I offer a range of Millinery services for customers looking for something unique for their special occasion or event.

These include:

  • Bespoke design of Hats & Fascinators for any occasion.
  • Re-modelling service of existing hats
  • Limited range of "Ready to Wear" Items

Bespoke Design

My bespoke items are hand made specially for you. I use traditional Millinery methods to make the head pieces and "hand block" hats so they fit the size of your head. All aspects of the piece are designed and developed to coordinate perfectly with your choosen outfit.


Experience tells me that to achieve absolute satisfaction for clients, 4-6 weeks notice is required to complete bespoke commissions. On occassion I may be able to work to shorter timescales but would advise getting in touch as soon as possble to discuss your specific requirements and timescale

Terms & Conditions

Prior to commecement of work I will provide you with a clear set of terms and conditions, keeping everything clear and simple.